Reasons to visit Lanzarote


Are you thinking of going on a trip and you don’t know where yet? From Calima Surf we have set out to give you some of the reasons why Lanzarote should be on your list of possible destinations.


While Europe is suffering from a wave of cold, rain and snow, Lanzarote is enjoying temperatures that are unsuitable for this time of year in this eternal spring due to its condition as a subtropical island. But not all places with a similar climate can boast the title of Biosphere Reserve awarded to Lanzarote by UNESCO in 1993. To simplify tourism on Lanzarote to the so-called sun and beach would be a real mistake because it would be to miss the enchantments of a part of the Earth where time seems to have stopped. In an age marked by technology, you will discover a real contrast to the city’s landscape, marked by volcanic orography and where white remains the image of villages for which fishing is still the main means of life.


Here is a little taste of their points of interest:


Timanfaya National Park

A must for anyone who sets foot on Lanzarote. It is a geological stronghold without equal in the world. The contrast of colours will take your breath away. We highly recommend the guided tour to understand in depth how it was formed.



Without a doubt, if you are travelling with the intention of learning to surf, this is the ideal place to take your first surfing lessons. In fact, it is in Famara where Calima Surf and other surf camps give the first lessons to the initiated in this sport. And even if you are not into waves, it is worth taking a swim in its waters and strolling along its 6 kilometres of white sand while scanning the horizon with unique pictures. Lanzarote surfing lesson

playa de famara

Papagayo Beach

To forget about the rest of humanity for a few hours, nothing better than getting lost in the crystal clear waters of Papagayo beach. This is the opposite of what you will find on a crowded coastline where it is hard to get a sunshade.

Jameos del Agua

To talk about the Jameos del Agua is to talk about César Manrique. The work par excellence of the rabbit artist will not leave you indifferent. Located in the municipality of Haría, it is a museum and a volcanic cave with lagoons inside.

By now Lanzarote should be at the top of your list, even though we have not detailed the charms of the Parque Natural de los Volcanes, the trip to La Graciosa, the Museo de Cetáceos de Canarias, the Cueva de los Verdes, the Mirador del Río and many other places that we do not rule out talking about in a future post.

Calima Surf

Calima Surf

Teaching surfing since 1996


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