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Categoría Surfing

Starting to surf… It’s not always as glamorous as it seems

Starting to surf… It’s not always as glamorous as it seems


If you think surfing is just about picking up chicks and being trendy, you’re mistaken. You’d be better off hitting the club or downloading a dating app if you’re after more effective options. There’s no other sport out there that requires the toughness and perseverance like surfing does. First things first… you gotta be physically […]

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Turns of your surfing; 5 ways to improve them.


The normal thing is to want to take our surfing to the next level and make our way of surfing more and more stylish, fast and powerful. Where carving is a real enjoyment and splashing water when performing more and more explosive and radical maneuvers, is synonymous with improvement and that our technique is evolving. […]

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5 Ways to Improve Your Surfing Turns


It is normal to want to take our surfing to the next level and to want our surfing to become more stylish, fast and powerful; where carving is pure enjoyment, and splashing water when making more explosive and radical moves is synonymous with improvement and means our technique is evolving. At Calima Surf, we have […]

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8 Fundamental Rules for Surfing


Everyone who starts learning how to surf finds himself immersed in a sea of doubts about various things. And the thing is, people who have never had any contact with this sport get a bit frustrated when it comes time to get in the water and let loose. To clarify a few things so that […]

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Common Mistakes when Beginning to Surf


Snaps, floaters, tubes… everything looks so easy when you look at surfing videos of a pro plowing through a wave. Reality is quite different for the vast majority of mortals, learning this booming sport is very much a challenge. Despite this fact, the benefits that surfing provides are indisputable. When you begin the passionate adventure […]

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