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Day Camp

  • Type: Under 18 Camps
  • Activities: Surf

Home / Under 18 Camps / Day Camp

Day Camp

Surf and language training for children




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Day Camp



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Day Camp in Famara

CalimaSurf organizes day camps for children 10-16 years old in July in Famara natural reserve. Every summer we offer the kids, the opportunity to get started in different sports with all necessary security measures to ensure their well-being.

For those parents who prefer children to sleep at home with them, we also offer a short duration program. In this case, children have to be at CalimaSurf School at 10: 00 and you can pick them up at 14:0. For more information contact us.

This day camp offers surf lessons in English or Spanish so that children can learn to surf while improving their language skills. The best way to learn a language is having fun.

Day camp includes:

  • 5 days of surfing classes – 20 hours of lessons (everyday from 10.00 to 14.00) para que los niños puedan estudiar idiomas durante el verano a la vez que practican su deporte preferido.
  • Transport to the beach
  • All the necessary equipment (Neoprene wetsuits, boards, lycra suits, leash)
  • Diploma course
  • Surfing Championship with prizes to the 3 winners of each camp (sweatshirts, t-shirts, shoes …)
  • Bilingual supervisors who are trained and qualified as surfing instructors (B.S.A.) and lifeguards.
  • Public Liability and Accident Insurance
  • Photos of Surfing lessons
  • 15% Discount Calima Surf Shop.
  • Aquatic pictures of your holidays and promotional video.

Day Camp - Surf and language training for children


Wifi Transport to the beach Equipment needed for the program Qualified instructors Liability insurance

The instructor responsible for this course is:

Surf instructor Max



Englishman based in Lanzarote, qualified by the British Association, in charge of surf lessons for children.

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