28 December, 2020
One day you watched a surfing competition and it caught your attention, so you decided to start riding waves.
To do so, you enrolled in a surf camp and now, after acquiring the basic knowledge, you realise that you have to buy your first surfboard.
It is very important to choose the right board for beginners, depending on your level of learning and practice.
To start surfing there is a board with more volume and buoyancy, which is made to facilitate the beginner stage of those who are starting out in the world of surfing.
If you want to become one of the best surfers, you should start by Funboard; this way, you will be able to have a proper learning process to reach your aspirations.
The Evolutive surfboard or Funboard has a size between 2.15 and 2.75 metres; its nose is wide, the roker is flat and it has been designed for surfing in a wide variety of conditions and types of waves.
It can be used for both big and small waves when learn to surf.
They are made to offer great stability to the rider, paddling is very easy if you have an evolutionary board; they have a good turning ability and are high performance boards although they are a bit thicker than usual.
If you want to become an expert wave rider, your first choice is to buy an Evolution surfboard or Funboard.
The most noticeable difference between evolutionary boards and other surfboards is the buoyancy they offer and their size.
These two factors must be taken into account for a beginner surfer, since the wider and bigger the board, the more buoyancy it offers.
These factors will favour paddling and standing up when starting to surf.
Evolution boards measure on average 6`2″ to 7`6″ and you will practically be able to surf with them from the first time you use them.
The price of an evolutionary surfboard will depend on some factors such as the material of its manufacture and the brand; they are not cheap at all, as their price can be between 250 and 550 euros, on average.
Among the materials used in their manufacture are plastic, fibre and epoxy.
The plastic evolutionary surfboards are the cheapest on the market; they last a long time and offer enough resistance; their price can be around 300 euros approximately.
Fibre evolutionary surfboards are one of the most popular, but they are a bit delicate; surfing with a fibre board provokes very pleasant moments and their cost is between 350 and 400 euros.
Epoxy boards are the most expensive, but they are also the longest lasting and the most resistant.
The most important thing, however, is that you buy a board that meets your needs, without paying too much attention to the price of the board.
A percentage of approximately 80 percent of all evolutionary boards or Funboards are currently made from polyester, also known as PU.
But in recent times, there has been a boom in the manufacture of epoxy Evolution surfboards; their finish makes them look like they are made of polyester.
Boards made of epoxy offer many advantages for users, such as greater flexibility and durability, as well as being more resistant to touches and bumps.
The fibre models are very common due to their cost, they are cheaper than epoxy boards; however, they are less buoyant and less resistant.
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