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Categoría Surf

Surf trip with boards

Surf trip with boards


Summer is coming and we are all thinking about that surfing trip in search of the best waves. Taking a surf trip without our boards is not the same, we always end up missing them. With this post we want to help you organize your surf trip without giving up your equipment. To make it […]

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The shark, the surfer’s greatest fear

The shark, the surfer’s greatest fear


The sea is not man's natural environment and awaits various dangers when we enter it. If a survey were made of the surfing guild, the shark would probably be at the top of the list. Camouflage neoprene, protective nets on beaches and even boards with special devices have been created to prevent direct contact with […]

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Why surf this Easter?

Why surf this Easter?


The good weather has settled down all over Spain and the time has come to choose a destination for this Easter. It’s time to change your mentality, to get away from the hellish traffic jams in your car on the main motorways of the Peninsula and to opt for another means of transport: the plane. […]

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How do you recover after an intense surfing session?

How do you recover after an intense surfing session?


There are few sports more physically demanding than surfing. A week of championship will drain your battery of energy after a few days and you will discover discomfort in muscles that you never imagined existed. Areas such as the arms and the back end up being very punished, so it’s a good idea to follow […]

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Get your surf in shape

Get your surf in shape


You’ve been watching videos on social networks all winter, tagging your buddy at the hottest spots, eager for holidays and waves, looking for surfing destinations. We close our eyes and project ourselves in a long and juicy wave of infinite turns, we drool remembering the best wave of last season, with a bit of luck […]

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Summer camps for teenagers start

Summer camps for teenagers start


Summer has come to stay until mid-September. Several months ahead with the kids without school and the parents have the same doubts every year at this time, how can they be attended to during working hours? Calima Surf is presented as a solution to the problem. Summer camps for teenagers are already underway and will […]

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The Canary Islands, an ideal place to practice any sport

The Canary Islands, an ideal place to practice any sport


Among all the corners of the world, there is an enclave that has the habit of bringing together elite sportsmen and women in the process of preparing for the season. We are talking, of course, about the Canary Islands. At this time of year it is common to find somewhere on the islands some familiar […]

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Do you know what your real surfing level is?

Do you know what your real surfing level is?


When signing up for a surf course it is important to know exactly what your level is. This is one of the questions on our registration forms and a very valuable information to organize the groups in advance according to the knowledge of each one, based on the fact that in the surf school Calima gives […]

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Campamento de surf

Prototype students at a surf camp


After more than 20 years giving surfing lessons, at Calima Surf we have enough experience behind us to be able to identify the prototype students you will come across this summer in your surf camp for adults. They are detailed below: The sunshine girl: the weather and the climate are her biggest concerns. You won't […]

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Guide to choosing a good surf school

Guide to choosing a good surf school


Want to surf for the first time and don’t know where? This is the dilemma of every beginner who wants to dedicate his holiday to learning this sport that is so fashionable and that everyone talks about. The options for surfing have multiplied in recent years and surfing schools are flooding the Spanish coast. With […]

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Clases de surf

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